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MPOWER (UK) Ltd is an Association of organisational development practitioners with direct experience of delivering superior performance through the deployment of a range of techniques commonly referred to as: Quality Management, Business Excellence, Lean Thinking and Six Sigma.


Although we are entirely happy to run a range of training programmes to develop expertise within your company our preferred approach is to work with you and your people on a programme of change, providing expert consultancy when required together with relevant training when your people see the need to acquire new skills: a trainer/consultant approach. This way we will help you develop levels of efficiency that will dramatically reduce your cost base, improved processes for the effective delivery of your customer requirements and a resolution of your most important business issues while, at the same time, developing a level of self-sufficiency within your company.



Alan Power
Managing Director

As a consultant/trainer Alan Power draws on his extensive experience at the highest level in the corporate sector where, as an early adopter, he deployed a range of business improvement strategies that today would be recognised as Lean and 6 Sigma which, together with Benchmarking and the Balanced Scorecard supported the Customer Centric Culture of his company which resulted in major improvements to customer satisfaction, productivity and employee morale while, at the same time, winning several Business Excellence awards.


During his early career Alan held a number of senior positions in the computer and banking sectors as a corporate trainer during which time he developed and delivered a range of training interventions designed to improve competencies at all employee levels. As a training and development professional he was at the forefront of corporate strategies to improve the business by improving the competence of employees.


His interest in Lean, 6 Sigma and other improvement strategies resulted in his appointment as general manager of a newly launched mortgage company where he abandoned many traditional approaches to business management to create a company that he describes as “the Toyota Production System in a Bank.’’


Having successfully demonstrated that such an approach can deliver profound improvements he was appointed head of Quality Policy & Strategy at corporate headquarters where he led a team that provided internal consultancy support in business excellence for some 40 business units; in 2003 Alan left corporate life to set up his own consultancy.


Alan has a post graduate diploma in Quality Management, is a Member of the Institute of Operations Management, a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, an Assessor for the European Foundation for Quality Management excellence awards and an accredited Leadership trainer with the John Adair Associates and his courses have several endorsements from prestigious organisations, e.g. the George Washington University, Dubai. 

© 2021 MPOWER (UK) Ltd. Registered Address: Clare House, 1 Park Road, Swanage, BH19 2AA   United Kingdom

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